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Becky Croft

certified instructor

Certified since December 2019

Becky Croft

instructor map marker Oklahoma

Connect with Becky

I’m a runner and coach in Oklahoma. After enduring several surgeries, 2 rounds of menopause, and eventually a full hysterectomy caused by Endometriosis, I searched for younger menopausal endurance athletes like me. Unable to find anyone in a similar situation, I had to make my own way back to faster paces and longer distances in a new body without hormones. Running has been my therapy.

My running journey began in 2009 and most if it was self-coached. I’ve competed in countless races of all distances up to the marathon. I did not begin finding real success in decreasing my times or running strong until I learned how to run smarter, not harder.  This has been the key to my own running and racing successes.

Aside from teaching others how to train smarter through the Jack Daniels Run Smart Project VDOT system, I offer both 1-on-1 and group Chi Running + Walking workshops that will help you learn to move with the proper form.  I discovered Chi Running when I began searching for ways to correct my foot strike.  This technique has changed my running life!  ChiRunning has helped thousands of runners improve their running form – reducing and preventing injuries, while decreasing recovery time. Runners of all ages and levels have improved their efficiency and performance, and now find their running to be pain-free, easier and more enjoyable.

My overall goal is to coach athletes of all abilities and show them that they can also reach their own goals, regardless of any obstacles they may be facing.  Whether you are looking to run/walk your first 5K, want to improve your triathlon performance, or are training for a long distance event, I’d love to setup a program with a holistic focus to help you reach your goals!

I met up with Coach Croft to help me fine tune my cadence issues.  Her wisdom and eye for form also discovered some areas of imbalance that I wasn’t really conscious of until she pointed them out.  It’s important that as we continue in our sport as recreational runners we get tune ups every  now and then just like our vehicles.  I know I want to run for the rest of my life and I want to do it as injury-free as possible.  So go follow her and if you’re local in Tulsa and need a “tune up” or help with your running, I highly recommend her!


After running for more than half my life, a series of injuries (plantar fasciitis, meniscus tear, chondral defect) & surgery had me wondering if this was what getting older meant and if I’d ever get back to it for real.  Every time I started upping my mileage or pace, the injuries would recur.  Finally, I set aside my natural skepticism to try something that I had mocked as “too woo-woo” a few years back: Chi Running.  Well, after one session, Coach Croft diagnosed my gait issues, had me make two quick adjustments, and sent me on my way.  With those adjustments, I’ve been running pain-free ever since, and today I ran for the third time in a week – for the first time since April 2018.  I’m wary of exhibiting the zeal of the converted, but for my runner friends who are struggling with injuries, I highly recommend giving Chi Running (and if you live near Tulsa, Coach Croft) a try!


I am already feeling so much better and more confident… Just wanted to thank you because everything I have done this week has had more ease and I have my energy back!!!


When I talk with Coach Croft , I am continuously impressed by her professionalism, knowledge and experience. Her love for her clients is seen in everything she does for you. Before meeting Becky, I was in a training group to run my first 1/2 marathon. I am a first time runner who start running in December 2021, this running group had cookie cutter plan and I was in pain daily!  I was recommended to Becky by a fellow runner! She came to meet me and do a Chi Running session!  It was like meeting an old friend!  She took me from hurting everyday and wanting to quit to running happy and strong! She caters every plan to the runner and if something isn’t working she will change it!  I cannot recommend Coach Croft enough for runners looking for guidance towards their goals. Whether it be running your first 5k, or a Marathon, Becky’s  athlete-centered coaching approach allows the coach and athlete to work together to create a program that best meets your individual needs!  Don’t wait another day! Reach out to her you will not regret it!!!!


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